I've not blogged in quite a while so I thought I'd post some reflections on the year just pasted..
2008 was a funny year. Alot of ups, downs and even a couple of those wiggly lines where you're not sure if it's up or down.
Here's the run down..
January 08 - March 08
Headed to Canada to work up north Ontario in the Muskoka Woods Sports Resort. I never thought I'd ever see so much snow and temperatures hitting -35 degrees some days and wind chill of -47 degrees. Met loads of new friends and learnt alot about myself. I know it challenged me to get fitter, healthier and endure hardship. While I was there, I was stuck with the dreaded gallstones so that cut short my time by a month.
April 08 - May 08
I came home from Canada. Worked a bit for YFCNI in Belfast and took part in a missions trip in Killyleagh. The craic was ninety the three or so weeks I was there. Met an amazing group of guys from John Brown University from America.
June 08
June was a bit of a blur. Worked alot for eventsec. Got to see Leonard Cohen, Damien Rice, Avril Lavinge and Jonas Brothers as well as standing in a remote car park looking at steel scaffold for twelve hours on end. Not exactly my cup of tea.
July 08
The summer always seems to be quite eventful. Summer Madness was alright. I think I'm getting too old for festivals like Summer Madness. Maybe thats just me. After SM, I went to work security at the Oxegen Music Festival outside Dublin. It was absolutely amazing but at the same time it was hell! Stuck in a metal blue shed with one window that doesn't open watching a single television for 14 hours on end was death but afterwards I got to see some amazing bands like Kings Of Leon, We Are Scientists, The Verve and loads more.
Summerserve was two days after Oxegen and it was an experience to say the least. I was assistant leader to a lovely girl called Melanie and we had an awesome team. Thinking back, Summerserve was great but I wish I did more you know? I guess alot of us come out of missions like that. I'm not sure what I learnt, if anything but it was great to say the least.
August 08
August was a quiet month though a bit of partying and loads of chineses were on the cards.
September 08 - 31st December 08
The first of September begun Y-One for me. Two weeks of training. One week of retreat.
I was placed in Lisburn and I love it. It's been hard and stressful at times but I do thrive on the work. It's been hard behind the scenes but whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger I guess. I think I'm learning loads of stuff but I know I've alot in my head so hopefully by August we'll see what the outcome is.
2009 I hope will be a good year. It's a new year, new start, a new thought process..
I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions because everyone breaks them. It's like a new years resolution is to break your new year's resolution.
So what I want/need to do in 2009:
Early 2009
1. Talk less, listen more.
2. Learn how to empty my head of junk, those stupid dead thoughts you don't know that just become a burden.
3. Lose weight, get fitter. I'd love to go for 18 stone that I am now.. to about 14-15 stone. I'd like to start playing football again.
4. Grow up.
Late 2009
1. Move away from Northern Ireland.
2. Become better musically. I'm starting to regain my love in music.
3. Make money, learn to save.
I wish everyone a happy 2009 and bless you as you attempt your own new years resolutions.
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