I hear alot about these churches that go under the name "emerging church."
I don't really get it. I hear stories of Mark Driscoll, Rob Bell's churches etc being the "emerging church."
I don't really understand. What is the emerging church? Is it a modernized version? Is it something completely different? I hear a friend this morning say that his youth group is describe as like an "emerging church."
For some reason, I have a problem with the term. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I don't understand. I quite like church how it is. I love the old school organs, choirs and pulpits. It's my thing.
I do like a bit of rock and roll worship, hands raised, bums shaking..
How is the "emerging church" different from this? How can you call the "emerging church" the better way of doing church? I have heard this statement from people.
I love church. I used to dislike it. I think people put too much description on church. Church to me is people. A community. A family. A fellowship.
Can you call people "emerging church?"
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