Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Are You Like Ned Flanders?

Hi-dilly-ho-dilly neighboureenos!

Ned Flanders is a great characters out of the Simpsons. He has some great one liners.

I was listening to a podcast by Mark Driscoll, a pastor of Mars Hill in San Francisco, about That's What She Said jokes and he put up some thoughts in my head.

Ephesians 4 verses 29 to 32 says...

"Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your wods will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour. Instead, be kind to eachother, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

I don't feel there is alot I can say on this passage. I think it speaks for itself.

I struggle alot with my language.. I would also have problems with my temper/rage/anger or whatever you want to call it.

I want to love. I want to care. It's what we as Christians are called to do.

The part of the verse I highlighted is what I want to strive to do. Be kind to others. Be tender hearted. Forgive.

I fear becoming these things. Why?

Being kind..

As Christians though, we try, very hard may I add, to be kind without wanting return. I want to strive to be kind without wanting return but I fear the world will think of me having a hidden agenda. I know, in my heart, I'm not looking reward but as humans, we do care about how the world sees us.

Being tender hearted..

Men are not suppose to be "tender hearted" in today's society. The dictionary describes being "tender hearted" as being gentle, soft.. If we are called to be tender hearted then why are men so rough, masculine and prideful. This is how the world expects men to be like.

I struggle with this because I want to show my tenderness because I am very soft on the inside.

Being a forgiver..

Forgiveness is not the struggle to mankind in my opinion. It's moving on that is the struggle. I fall into this time after time..

How many times have you forgiven someone and then pulled it back up again at a later stage?

How is this forgiveness?

If we are called to forgive one another.. we should forgiven and FORGET. I love hearing the story and how if we ask God for forgiveness, and later we come up to God and say.. God, I'm sorry for that sin I did last week [that you already asked for forgiveness for] and God says.. WHAT SIN?

I want to challenge myself and you to forgive and forget. It's easier said than done. We are cupboard boxes after all. "Oh I forgive you but I'll put that memory back in my box.. just instead I need it again.."

I want to be kind, tender hearted and forgive and forget.. It's a long hard journey where we are have to face up to those fears and obstacles.

I think Ned Flanders is a funny example of all this.

How many times has Homer borrowed things of Ned and never has Ned asked them back? Remember the TV Tray that Homer took when they first moved in. Ten years on, Homer still has it and Ned never asks for it back.

How caring and compassionate is Ned to his family, friends and even Homer? Even though, Homer is a complete jerk to him.

How many times has Ned forgiven Homer for messing him about time after time after time?

Maybe Ned isn't the greatest example and I find him quite an interesting character to say the least.

Kindness. Gentleness. Forgiveness.

Funny quote.

"God wants spiritual fruits, not religious nuts."